What You Need to Know About Yielding in California

April 18, 2023 Posted In Car Accidents

Yielding is an essential traffic law, crucial for ensuring safe and efficient traffic flow on the road. Here is what you need to know about yielding in California. 

What You Need to Know About Yielding in California

What Does Yielding Mean?

Yielding means giving the right of way to other road users. This includes pedestrians, cyclists, and other vehicles. When you come across a yield sign, you are expected to slow down or stop and give way to others with the right of way. However, as long as it is safe to continue, you can proceed without stopping. 

When Should You Yield in California?

In California, there are several situations where you are required to yield. These include:

At Yield Signs

When you come across a yield sign, you must slow down or stop and give way to other vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists. You should only proceed when it is clear.

When Entering a Highway

If you are entering a highway, you must yield to oncoming traffic. Wait until there is a large enough gap before safely merging onto the highway.

Turning Left

If you are turning left at an intersection, drivers must yield to oncoming traffic and wait for a gap in traffic before making their turn.

When Emergencies Vehicles Approach

When emergency vehicles such as fire trucks, ambulances, or police cars approach with their lights and sirens on, you must yield the right of way and move to the right side of the road.

The Importance of Yielding

Here are some of the reasons why yielding is important:

  • Preventing Accidents: Yielding ensures that all road users have enough time and space to maneuver safely. Therefore, collisions that can result from failing to give way to others can be avoided. 
  • Promoting Traffic Flow: When drivers yield appropriately, traffic moves more efficiently, preventing congestion, and everyone reaches their destination faster.
  • Safety of Pedestrians and Cyclists: Yielding is particularly important for pedestrians and cyclists who are more vulnerable to accidents. 

Yielding is a traffic law that all drivers must follow. As a result, failure to yield can result in fines, license suspension, or other penalties.

How Yielding Can Impact Accident Liability

Failure to yield can be considered negligence if it results in an accident. Negligence means that the driver failed to exercise reasonable care, which resulted in harm to others. As a result, the driver who failed to yield may be assigned a higher percentage of fault and liability for any damages or injuries caused. In California, insurance companies use a pure comparative negligence rule to determine fault and the amount of compensation that should be paid out for damages. For example, if a driver failed to yield and caused an accident that resulted in $30,000 in damages, they may be assigned 80% fault, while the other driver may be assigned 25% fault. In this case, the driver who failed to yield will be responsible for 80% of the damages or $24,000.

If you have been injured in an accident involving yielding, contact a Riverside Car Accident Attorney. They can help you recover the compensation you deserve.

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