Is a Concussion a Brain Injury?

February 22, 2021 Posted In Uncategorized

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a bump, violent jolt or a direct blow to the head. As a result, the brain’s nerve fibers are damaged, which interrupts normal brain activities. Concussions are the most common type of injury that affects the brain, and anyone from infants to the elderly can get one. 

Symptoms of a Concussion 

You do not have to lose consciousness to have a concussion, and in most cases, this injury cannot be seen on tests such as a CT scan or MRI. Some people will exhibit symptoms, but others won’t. It can also take weeks for symptoms to truly arise, known as post-concussion syndrome (PCS). 

The symptoms most commonly reported, include: 

  • Disorientation 
  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • Frustration
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Need for increased rest and sleep
  • Feeling disturbed by loud noises or bright lights
  • Subtle changes in personality
  • Intolerance of others

The severity of a concussion will vary depending on a wide variety of factors, such as medical history and the nature of the accident.

What To Do if You Think You Have a Concussion

If you have suffered a head injury, immediately seek medical attention, so a doctor can monitor your condition closely. Follow all instructions that your doctor gives you. Doing so, will not only help you recover, but will be critical if you decide to file an injury claim. 

Next, you or a loved one should consult with an Inland Empire Personal Injury Lawyer. Many accidents that result in head and brain trauma are caused by negligent or wrongful conduct of others. If negligence was the cause of your concussion, you and your family deserve compensation for your physical and emotional suffering. 

Financial Burden After a Concussion

Traumatic head injuries, including concussions, can have profound physical effects that may prevent a victim from being able to work—both in the short term, and possibly even longer. That, in turn, can significantly impact the personal finances of the individual and/or their family. Concussions can generate huge medical bills, a loss of current and future wages, reduced earning potential, emotional trauma, a diminished quality of life, and more. By working with an experienced concussion injury lawyer, who will carefully investigate your claim, you can ensure that the responsible party will be held accountable. 

Proving a Concussion Brain Injury Claim

To receive compensation for your losses, you will need to provide proof of your concussion, as well as negligence on behalf of the responsible party. Some pieces of evidence that can help, include: 

  • A written statement from the doctor or physician stating that the concussion was caused by the accident.
  • Documentation from the hospital and treating physicians.
  • Physician’s or medical expert’s prognosis regarding potential long-term injuries.
  • Photographs or video evidence of the accident.
  • Police reports ( if applicable).
  • Eyewitness statements.
  • Proof of missed work.
  • A daily journal showing how the injuries have impacted your life. 

An insurance company will likely fight a personal injury claim for a concussion, as they know post-concussion syndrome is difficult to prove. It will benefit your case to have two or more doctors who agree on your diagnosis.  

No Cost Evaluation

At Hanson & Mouri, our concussion and head injury attorneys may be able to help you pursue compensation for the pain and suffering that you have been forced to endure. Contact us today for a free consultation. 

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