If you get into a car accident in California, it will be your responsibility to determine fault for the collision if you wish to file an insurance claim. California is a fault state, meaning its insurance system relies on identifying the at-fault party. Before you can receive compensation for your medical bills and vehicle repairs,…
One of the most common causes of serious personal injuries and fatalities in the State of California is automobile accidents. Car, bicycle and pedestrian accidents took 3,904 lives and injured 277,160 victims in California in 2017 alone, according to the California Highway Patrol. Riverside reported 2,119 injured and killed car accident victims the same year.…
What you do and do not do after a bad accident can determine your future. Taking the right steps, such as collecting evidence against the at-fault party and hiring an attorney for serious injuries, could give you the money and peace of mind you need to move forward. Not all accident claims require attorneys, however.…