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Symptoms Of Broken Ribs After An Accident

April 23, 2023 Posted In Car Accidents

Broken ribs are a common injury that can occur after an accident, such as a car crash, sports injury, or a fall. The ribs are fragile bones that protect the chest and vital organs, and can easily break when exposed to forceful trauma. If you suspect you have broken ribs after an accident, it is…

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Top Defensive Driving Techniques

April 20, 2023 Posted In Car Accidents

Defensive driving is an essential skill that every driver should possess. By adopting these top techniques, you can ensure not only your safety but also the safety of others on the road.  Remain Alert Constantly being aware of your surroundings is one of the most important defensive driving techniques. Always scan the road ahead, the…

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What You Need to Know About Yielding in California

April 18, 2023 Posted In Car Accidents

Yielding is an essential traffic law, crucial for ensuring safe and efficient traffic flow on the road. Here is what you need to know about yielding in California.  What Does Yielding Mean? Yielding means giving the right of way to other road users. This includes pedestrians, cyclists, and other vehicles. When you come across a…

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