Elder abuse is an alarming issue affecting seniors in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and private residences. If you suspect that an elderly loved one in Perris is being abused or neglected, it is crucial to take immediate action to protect their safety and seek justice. Call (951) 688-0006 or message us online today to get started with a free consultation and discuss your legal options in pursuing a Perris personal injury case.
Elder abuse occurs when an older adult is harmed, neglected, or exploited by a caregiver, nursing home staff, or family member. Under California’s Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act (EADACPA), elder abuse is defined as physical, emotional, financial, or sexual harm inflicted on individuals aged 65 and older. California law also protects dependent adults, aged 18 to 64, who have physical or mental limitations that make them vulnerable to abuse.
Elder abuse can take many forms, each with severe consequences for the victim’s health and well-being. Common types include:
Recognizing the signs of elder abuse, such as unexplained injuries, emotional withdrawal, or sudden financial changes, is crucial for early intervention.
Handling an elder abuse case requires specialized knowledge of elder law and sensitivity to the emotional toll on families. An experienced attorney can:
Investigate the Abuse
Gather crucial evidence, including medical records, witness statements, and expert testimony.
Build a Strong Case
Establish liability and prove the extent of harm caused to the victim.
Pursue Maximum Compensation
Seek compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and punitive damages to punish the wrongdoers.
Advocate for Justice
Ensure that responsible parties are held accountable and that your loved one’s rights are protected.
If you see the signs of elder abuse, it is critical to take the following steps:
Taking swift action helps protect the safety and well-being of the victim and ensures that the abuse is properly investigated.
At Hanson & Mouri, our compassionate and dedicated Perris elder abuse attorneys are here to help you seek justice. Contact us online or call (951) 688-0006 today for a free consultation to discuss your case and learn how we can protect your loved one’s rights.